Monday, September 3, 2007

Let them eat cake!

While I'm writing this post, I'm actually eating a piece of the awesome cake that I made this weekend (recipe courtesy of Ina Garten). I'm always a bit hesitant making a cake because they are such a one-shot deal; I usually make a tart or cupcakes, muffins, cookies - maybe its an illusion, but they seem easier to me. Anyway, I bought fresh peaches at the store on Saturday and thought they would be perfect in a cake. I found a recipe for Ina's Plum Cake "Tatin". I substituted peaches for plums and sliced them instead of halving them. Both my husband (who usually doesn't like dessert without some type of chocolate involved :) and my mom gave it the thumbs up. I'll definitely be making it again!

Cake in progress, before batter is poured on top:

Final result:

Ina also has a recipe for Apple Cake "Tatin" - which is the exact same recipe with apples, instead of plums. I think that pears would also be great with this cake.

Before I made the cake, I read the reviews on Food Network website - most of them were comments about cooking the sugar. I just made sure that I watched it so it didn't burn and didn't let it get too brown.

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